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Issues when running a client as a service

Posted: 08 Nov 2017, 13:33
by bomurugend
I am trying to run a console client application as a service. Installation seems to work with some minor issues. But, service is always stuck in starting phase.

When installing using ClientService.exe /install:
  • the service starts running even though NoAutoStartService is set to true.
  • nothing is logged from the Run method, even though this works when debugging.
When starting service from Microsoft management console:
  • Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
When starting the service using ClientService.exe /service:
  • the service starts running
  • in Microsoft management console the service seems to be stuck in the starting phase
The documentation seems to be lacking when it comes to running clients as services. I have been stuck here for a couple of days now. Any help would be appreciated. Code below.

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class Program
        static ILog log;
        const int SECONDS = 2000;

        static string serverUrl = "opc.tcp://*************.net:53530/OPCUA/SimulationServer";
        static string nodeIdentifier = "Sinusoid1";
        static ushort namespaceIndex = 5;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Configure
            log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Program));

                // Add Process License
                ApplicationLicenseManager.AddProcessLicenses(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "License.lic");

                // Trying settings for running as a service
                ApplicationInstance instance = ApplicationInstance.Default;
                instance.NoAutoStartService = true;
                ApplicationInstance.Default.Start(Run, instance);

                log.Info("Application Finished!!!");
            catch (Exception e)

                log.Error("Application failed to run:", e);

        static void Run(object userState)
            Session _session = null;

            log.Info("Attempting to connect!!!");

            // Connect to server
            _session = new Session(userState as ApplicationInstance);

            _session.UseDnsNameAndPortFromDiscoveryUrl = false;
            _session.Connect(serverUrl, SecuritySelection.None);


            // Read value from SinusNode
            List<ReadValueId> nodesToRead = new List<ReadValueId>
                new ReadValueId
                    NodeId = new NodeId(IdType.String, nodeIdentifier, namespaceIndex),
                    AttributeId = Attributes.Value

            int i = 5;
            while (i > 0)
                List<DataValue> results = _session.Read(nodesToRead);
                log.Info($"Sinusoid1: {results.First().WrappedValue}");

                Thread.Sleep(1 * SECONDS);


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    <SecuredApplication xmlns:i="" xmlns="">

      <!-- Identify the Application -->


        <!-- Specify Settings when EXE is run with the /install argument -->
          <InstallationSettings xmlns="">
            <!-- Supported values are 1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096. Default is 2048. -->
            <!-- Possible values are sha1 and sha256. Default is sha256. -->
            <ServiceDescription>Test Service for running OPC UA Client using Unified Automation .Net SDK</ServiceDescription>
