HTTPS Support in UaExpert Client

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HTTPS Support in UaExpert Client

Post by jayr_opc »


I would like to confirm if UaExpert Client 1.4.3 already supports connecting to https(https-uabinary) endpoints?
I am trying to connect my UA Server, but I cannot seem to establish connection.
It is throwing a "BadCommunicationError" with "The TLS certificate of server is already in UaExpert's trust list but validation still fails."

I read in one question that this procedure should be done for the certificate:
1. Open a command prompt or bash where the openssl executable is available (e.g. GIT bash)
2. Navigate to the folder containing the CA certificate, usually '\samples\PKI\CA\private\' inside the JAVA SDK
3. Execute following command to get the subject hash value of the certificate, e.g. '55911d8a':
> openssl x509 -in ProsysSampleCA.der -inform DER -hash
4. Execute following command after replacing <HASH_VALUE> with the value from 3.
> openssl x509 -in ProsysSampleCA.der -inform DER -outform PEM -out <HASH_VALUE>.0
5. You should now have a file named <HASH_VALUE>.0 (e.g. 55911d8a.0), copy that to the 'tls_issuers\certs' folder of your UaExpert PKI store (usually C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\unifiedautomation\uaexpert\PKI\tls_issuers\certs)

Should I do this to be able to establish https connection? What other steps am I missing?
The SSL cert is already bound to the port in the server-side.

Thank you.

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Re: HTTPS Support in UaExpert Client

Post by Support Team »

Hello jayr_opc,

yes, you should follow the steps you are quoting, as this is the file name format OpenSSL requires for finding certificates in the TLS issuers folder. Please do also note that HTTPS support is only experimental in the current version of UaExpert.
Best regards
Unified Automation Support Team

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