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Writing an array of OBJECTS to the server

Posted: 04 Dec 2020, 11:26
by FabioLantek
Hi guys,
i'm struggling in the attempt to write an ARRAY of Custom Objects to a server.

The array already exists on the server and can be easily written with Ua Expert, but since i (suppose) can't access Ua Expert CODE, i need to figure out how to it.

Since parsing a custom structure seems hard, i tried first a simpler approach: reading the array, and writing it with just a little change. This doesn't work either.
Sorry guys if this code is both in c# and

Actually my write result gets "BadWriteNotSupported".

This is the array i need to change:

Code: Select all

//Function to read the array from server (Works)
ParametriOutput = ClientData.ReadValues(OPCUA.Connessione, ParametriDaLeggere)

//This is when i create the new DataValue (Not in the proper way, i guess)
Dim modifiedArray As DataValue = OpcuaLib.Test.ConvertDataValue_v2(OPCUA.Connessione.Sessione,
                                                           ParametriOutput.FirstOrDefault(), "Name", "ciao", 0)

Dim nuovoWrite As New WriteValue With {
         .NodeId = New NodeId("WRITEVAR", NameSpaceIndex),
          .AttributeId = Attributes.Value,
          .Value = modifiedArray

Dim nuovaListWrite As New List(Of WriteValue) From {nuovoWrite}
Dim result As List(Of StatusCode) = OPCUA.Connessione.Sessione.Write(nuovaListWrite)

//here i get error "{BadWriteNotSupported}"

The function i use (found on this forum and changed a little to suit my needs) to modify and encode the object is this:

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public static DataValue ConvertDataValue_v2(Session Sessione, DataValue dv, string fieldName, object fieldValue, int index = -1)

            DataTypeManager dataTypeManager = new DataTypeManager(Sessione);
            if (dv.WrappedValue.IsArray)
                var values = dv.WrappedValue.ToExtensionObjectArray();
                ExtensionObject e = values[index];//.ToExtensionObject();
                GenericEncodeableObject encodeable = dataTypeManager.ParseValue(e);
                encodeable[fieldName] = new Variant(fieldValue, encodeable[fieldName].TypeInfo);
                ExtensionObject eo = EncodeableObject.Encode(Sessione.MessageContext, encodeable, false);
                values[index] = eo;
                return new DataValue(values);
            else throw new Exception("NOT AN ARRAY");
I'm really desperate and cannot figure out how to achieve this task. Can you guys help me?