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OPCUA - UaExpert Arduino Ethernet Shield

Posted: 24 Sep 2022, 20:52
by Trung21
I have an Arduino Uno and a Temeprature Sensor. I want to use the Arduino with an Ethernet Sheild as a server and give the data to my PC. I Want to use OPCUA UaExpert. I use the opc.h library and the example code that ist given.

The code ist the following:

Code: Select all

 * A generic sketch for use with the Arduino OPC or Visual OPC Builder from
#include <OPC.h>
#include <Bridge.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <SPI.h>

 * Declaring the OPC object
OPCEthernet myArduinoUno;

 * MAC address from Ethernet shield sticker under board
byte mac[] = { 0xA8, 0x61, 0x0A, 0xAE, 0xAA, 0x8D };

 * Set your network configuration
IPAddress ip(192, 168, X, XX);

IPAddress gateway(192, 168, X, X);
IPAddress dns_server(192,168,X,X);
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,X);

 * Server listen port
const int listen_port = 80;

opcOperation digital_status_input[14], analog_status_input[6];

bool readwrite_digital(const char *itemID, const opcOperation opcOP, const bool value)
  byte port;
  port = atoi(&itemID[1]);

  if (opcOP == opc_opwrite) {
    if (digital_status_input[port] == opc_opread) {
      digital_status_input[port] = opc_opwrite;
    if (digital_status_input[port] == opc_opwrite) {
      digital_status_input[port] = opc_opread;
     // pinMode(port,INPUT);

    return digitalRead(port); 


int readwrite_analog(const char *itemID, const opcOperation opcOP, const int value) {
  byte port;
  port = atoi(&itemID[1]);

  if (opcOP == opc_opwrite) {
    if (analog_status_input[port] == opc_opread) {
      analog_status_input[port] = opc_opwrite;
    if (analog_status_input[port] == opc_opwrite) {
      analog_status_input[port] = opc_opread;

    return analogRead(port); 


void setup() {
  byte k;
  for (k=0;k<14;k++) digital_status_input[k] = opc_opread; 
  for (k=0;k<5;k++)  analog_status_input[k] = opc_opread; 
   * OPC Object initialization

  myArduinoUno.addItem("D0",opc_readwrite, opc_bool, readwrite_digital);
  myArduinoUno.addItem("D1",opc_readwrite, opc_bool, readwrite_digital);
  myArduinoUno.addItem("D2",opc_readwrite, opc_bool, readwrite_digital);
  myArduinoUno.addItem("D3",opc_readwrite, opc_bool, readwrite_digital);
  myArduinoUno.addItem("D4",opc_readwrite, opc_bool, readwrite_digital);
  myArduinoUno.addItem("D5",opc_readwrite, opc_bool, readwrite_digital);

  myArduinoUno.addItem("A0",opc_readwrite, opc_int, readwrite_analog);


void loop() {

I use UaExpert as my client to read the Sensor data. Now I have the problem that I get the Error Code:
"Discovery Findservers on opc.tpc://192.168.X.X failed (BadTimeout)"

opc.tpc://192.168.X.X is the URL that I use to connect to the Arduino uno.

Can someone help me?

Re: OPCUA - UaExpert Arduino Ethernet Shield

Posted: 26 Sep 2022, 08:45
by Support Team

most likely the serverside implementation you use is not working properly. Please read the documentation of the server side code base you are using.

The UaExpert will work fine with correctly implemented and correctly configured OPC UA Servers.