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Use of ClientSecurityInfo::initializePkiProviderWindows compiles but fails to link.

Posted: 01 Mar 2021, 17:21
by simon
I am using

Unified Automation UA SDK C++ Bundle PubSub 1.7.3 (Evaluation Edition)

I've been evaluating this and things have been going will when using
the PkiProviderOpenSSL. However, when I come to try and use

I get a linker error:

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "public: class UaStatusCode __cdecl UaClientSdk::ClientSecurityInfo::initializePkiProviderWindows(enum WindowsStoreLocation,class UaString const &)" (?initializePkiProviderWindows@ClientSecurityInfo@UaClientSdk@@QEAA?AVUaStatusCode@@W4WindowsStoreLocation@@AEBVUaString@@@Z) referenced in function "public: class UaStatus __cdecl Configuration::setupSecurity(class UaClientSdk::SessionSecurityInfo &)" (?setupSecurity@Configuration@@QEAA?AVUaStatus@@AEAVSessionSecurityInfo@UaClientSdk@@@Z) MyOPCUAClient4 C:\dev\OPCUA\MyOPCUAClient4\configuration.obj 1

The same error occurs if I add OPCUA_SUPPORT_PKI_WIN32 to the preprocessor definitions in the example project "pubsubimporter" and try and build that.

Any suggestions please as to what could be wrong?

Thank you


Re: Use of ClientSecurityInfo::initializePkiProviderWindows compiles but fails to link.

Posted: 09 Mar 2021, 16:47
by Support Team
Dear Simon,

The option to use the Windows Certificate Store depends on a compiler switch in the SDK and this option is deactivated by default. Therefore it is not available in the evaluation version since the evaluation version is compiled with default settings.

You need the source code SDK to activate the option.