Android, iOS and Windows Phone

The platform specific adoption for different operating systems Windows, Linux, 32 and 64 bit, and different architectures x86, ARM, PPC, etc ...

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Android, iOS and Windows Phone

Post by DegiJe00 »

I would like to know if the SDK has been tested on Android, iOS and/or Windows Phone ?
I would like to create a mobile client, and would be especially interested in the C++ (or C) SDK to have a cross-plaftorm core in the app (Android and iOS can run C/C++ code, and WP should do it in a near future).
Thank you,

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Re: Android, iOS and Windows Phone

Post by Support Team »


we have already successfully ported our SDK to iOS and Android.
(You can download our own Android Demo-Client here: ... ients.html)
But these are tier3 platforms as you can see here: ... pport.html

This means we don't build or regularly test on these platforms. But it proves that it technically works.

We have not tested Windows Phone 8 yet. It works on 32bit and 64bit Windows and WinCE. So it will work also on Windows8 (x86) which still has a Win32 API. But WinRT (ARM) is different. There is a complete new Windows API which will require a new platform layer for our SDK.
Also this is possible, but porting requires some work.

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Re: Android, iOS and Windows Phone

Post by DegiJe00 »

Thank you for your answer!

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Re: Android, iOS and Windows Phone

Post by georgwendt »

is there any news regarding support for Android and iOS?

Or is this still valid up to today:
> ...these are tier3 platforms...
> This means we don't build or regularly test on these platforms. But it proves that it technically works.
> The UaExpert Mobile is using the C++ Client SDK with the regular Linux plattform layer together with Qt.
This sounds promising at least for Android, since we also use the C++ Client SDK.

Or do we need to consider higher risks regarding feasability when planning to port our client to Android / iOS in future?

Thank you and kind regards!

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Re: Android, iOS and Windows Phone

Post by Support Team »


for us is unclear what will be the future of mobile devices in the industry, and if so, what will be the preferred technology used on such devices. As for now it does not look like much interest in native applications on such devices, instead we see many browser based web applications.

From an OPC UA technology point of view, there is nothing hindering the implementation (natively) on such mobile devices. Especially the Android is not much of an issue, because it is similar/close to the Linux. That said, the Linux platformlayer would be the starting point for implementing OPC UA natively on Android devices.
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Unified Automation Support Team

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